
After reading this article you'll understand the different options you have for sending content to different players.


You have a wide range of options for deciding which content should be sent to which player or players. All content is sent as a message from somebody, to somebody via a channel. Your training objectives should guide you in determining which option(s) to use.

Message Structure

All messages have the following structure:
  • From - who the message is from
  • To - who should receive the message 
  • Channel (sometimes referred to as method) - which communications channel should be used
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Communications channels are either of two types:

  • shared feed - messages are not unique to each player. This makes these channels suitable for social interaction such as commenting, sharing and liking. Example channels are Twitter, Facebook, News channel, Instagram and so on.
  • player feed - message are unique to each player. Even if all players receive the same information, multiple messages are publish - one to each player.

Shared feed channels 
In shared feed channels, the feed can be shared on  per-team basis or with everyone in the session. These options are hence known as team feed and session feed
Your training objectives will determine which option to use but as a rule-of-thumb, if teams are collaborating then you'll use the default setting which is session feed. If teams are competing then each could require its own reality and hence you'd use team feed.

Message Destination options

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To Player sends an individual message to each player.

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If using a shared feed channel, To Team sends a single message that is read by all.

If using a player feed channel, To Team sends an individual message to each person in the player's team - this is only accessible in the Whiteboard using Questions.

This is the default setting for shared feed channels (such as social media). One message is published and is shared by all players. Hence a comment, retweet or like will be seen by all. 
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One message is published per team. This means that when someone comments, likes or retweets a message it is only seen by members of  the same team.
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For shared feed channels like social media, a single message is published to the team you indicate. 

You'll need to first create the team name either in the MEL or in the Teams Table so that you can select that specific team. Only players in that team will get the message.

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The same as the Specific Team message for a team feed except because the channel isn't shared, each player will receive a unique copy of the message.
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Roles and Positions are determined by the team structure, whereas Groups are determined by player actions.

Send To Group or Conditional Group means the message only goes to people who have been previously moved into those groups during the exercise.

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 The message is sent to each person in that Role.
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 A message is sent only to the person designated with that Position
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To Partner is only available to use with Conducttr's audio application on Android and only configurable via the Whiteboard.

To Partner allows one player (the sender) to trigger content to be sent to another player (the partner).

Note that players can send content to each other during an exercise without using To Partner! This feature is for automated, scripted interactions. 
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To Variable will send a message to the player identified by the email address held in the variable.

This feature is only available in the Whiteboard.