After reading this article you'll:

  • Be able to auto-generate POL content


Generate stacks faster using the AI assistant

Stack Generation with AI
Faster and more efficient stack generation process

  • Auto-generation of  stacks for Microblog, GoSocial, Email and Helpdesk
  • Generate a piece of content per persona of a selected faction 

How to create Stacks using AI

  • Navigate to "POL" and create a new Stax
  • When you create a stack, click on the AI assistant icon 
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  • You will then need to select a faction of personas and a channel (Microblog, GoSocial, Email or Helpdesk) 
  • Once these are selected, write a prompt describing what type of messages you'd like to have in your stack. (see related articles for more information on how to write a prompt)
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  • Click "Get preview" to get a preview of how the messages will look like
  • Based on this, you can redefine the prompt and try again until satisfied 
  • Once you're satisfied with the preview, choose to add these messages to your stack, or replace them 
  • Click "Generate stack" and the AI will generate a message (content) per persona of the selected faction.
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  • You then have the option to edit each message or remove them
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