
After reading this article you'll:

  • Understand how to enable the Helpdesk Channel

  • Understand how to use the Helpdesk Channel


The Helpdesk channel simulates a ticketing support system in which tickets can be raised and replied to.

Allow teams to respond to support tickets as they would in real life.

Helpdesk Channel
Allow teams to respond to support tickets as they would in real life.
  • Send tickets to players using injects or POL 
  • Role players can raise tickets during a live exercise 
  • Enable Helpdesk Channel for session or team
  • Reply to tickets via email or on the Helpdesk Channel
  • Assign tickets to other players 
  • Change tickets status and set ticket importance
  • Write internal messages (only visible to players with access to Helpdesk)

Helpdesk Channel Overview

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Enabling the Helpdesk channel 

  • In the Scenario Editor, go to Style > Customise channels > Helpdesk
  • Ensure the Helpdesk is set to active 
  • You need a support email to be able to use Helpdesk 
  • Players will send an email to this email address, and agents (players with the Help Desk Agent special permission) will receive this message via the Helpdesk channel. 

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Sending tickets to players

  • Tickets can be sent to players using injects or Pattern of Life
  • Role players can also raise tickets during a live exercise

Send tickets using injects

1. In the Scenario Editor, create a new inject

2. Select "Help Desk" as the channel

3. The persona underneath "From" represents who will be raising the ticket 

4. All tickets should be sent to the support email you created. 

5. Give the ticket a subject and text

6. You have the option of setting the tickets importance

7. You can also assign the ticket to a position

Send tickets using POL

1. Sending tickets using POL is the same as sending tickets using injects as described above 

Note: With POL, you cannot assign tickets to a position 

Raise tickets live during an exercise

1. Ensure you have set up your support email in the Scenario Editor. Go to Style > Customise channels > Helpdesk

2. Compose a new email, ensuring the email is sent to the support email you created

3. Upon sending this email, this will automatically create a ticket on the Helpdesk where players can respond. 

Replying to tickets

  • In order to access the Helpdesk channel and reply to tickets, players need to be assigned the "Helpdesk agent" special permission
  • For more information on how to assign players special permissions Click here.

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  • When a ticket is raised, players will receive an email and Helpdesk notification, alerting them. 
  • In the email channel, players can click on the ticket number to be taken to the ticket on Helpdesk. 
  • From there, in the reply box, messages can be typed. Once your message has been composed, click "Send message". 
  • The player/persona who raised the ticket will receive replies via email. 

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Setting priority of tickets

  • Ticket priorities provide a way to categorize tickets based on urgency and importance level
  • You can assign priorities of tickets by clicking one of the options from the dropdown menu
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Assigning tickets 

  • You can assign tickets to another agent at any time.
  • While viewing an individual ticket, select which player you want to assign the ticket to. 
  • Once a player has been selected from the dropdown list, the ticket will automatically be updated as assigned to them.
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Internal messages 

  • Players can add internal notes to tickets, to discuss with their team.
  • Note: Any notes left on a ticket are visible to any player with access the Helpdesk/ see the ticket. Notes are not visible to the players submitting the ticket.
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Understanding ticket statuses

You can set different statuses on your tickets depending on the issue or action required.

There are various default ticket statuses implemented in the Helpdesk. A section with tabs for each status will appear under the search bar. 

  • Active: Tickets that require action/response.
    • When a ticket first arrives from a customer to an inbox, the ticket status is set to active by default.
  • Waiting on customer: If you expect a reply from a customer after you respond, you can mark the ticket as Waiting on Customer. This indicates that the ticket is ongoing and pending more input from the player. These tickets will not appear in your Active section.
  • On hold: This status is useful for when you don't have an immediate solution for the customer, or perhaps need to reach out to another player for further insight. In this instance, you can place the ticket on hold.
  • Solved: Once you are happy that the issue(s) in a ticket have been completely resolved, you can mark it as solved.
  • Closed: You can use the Closed status for tickets that require no further action.

Changing a ticket status 

  • You can manually switch a ticket's status at any time simply by using the status dropdown on the ticket. 
  • Once you change the ticket status, the ticket will be automatically moved into its designated section/tab.
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